Customers are many & vary. They include MNCs, PSUs, LSIs, SMEs, business, service sector companies and others in following sectors :
Manufacturers of buses, cars, earth moving equipment, MUVs, tractors, trucks, two wheelers etc.
Manufacturers & users of aircraft- cargo, civil, defence etc.
Accident, breakdown, burglary, fire incident etc.
Exporters, importers, retailers, traders, wholesalers etc.
Inorganic, organic etc.
Architects, builders, contractors, developers, structural engineers etc.
Air force, army, border security, coast guard, defence labs, navy, police etc.
Engineering, medical & dental colleges, laboratories, research institutions etc.
Manufacturers & users of electronic equipment & components etc.
Manufacturers of cement, fabrication, machining, material handling etc.
Departments of agriculture, aquaculture, floriculture, horticulture etc.
Bakeries, beverages, dairies, food processing units etc.
Boiler boards, customs, enforcement agencies, excise department, fire department, regulatory bodies etc.
Equipment manufacturers, hospitals, hotels etc.
Bridges, highways, ports, power transmission, roads etc.
Consumer protection bodies, courts etc.
Manufacturers, research labs, workshops etc.
Aluminium, copper, iron & steel, titanium etc.
Manufacturers of cardboards, fiberboards, textiles etc.
Biomass plants, electricity boards, hydroelectric plants, manufacturers of solar panels, water heaters, windmills etc.
Books, currency, newspapers, magazines, radio & TV stations etc.
Automotive, aviation, defence, engineering, healthcare etc.
Manufacturers and suppliers of components & machinery.
Air, rail, road, sea etc.
Boards, bottled water, pumping stations, water suppliers etc.
1. Availability of multi- disciplinary technical expertise
2. Execution of challenging assignments which are not undertaken by other labs
3. Wide range of service under one roof, which helps customers save money and time
Every enquiry/ communication /visitor
1. Is responded within hours and delivered on time each time as per schedule
2. Is responded within hours and delivered on time each time as per customer schedule
1. We make integrated approach to address all issues w.r.t cost, quality & service life
2. We address specified, not specified & required aspects in every assignment.
1. Where required and where possible, make value addition