We test & assess a wide variety of materials, components & products
Electronic goods warehouse, extrusion die, godowns of agricultural produce such as areca nut, tobacco & turmeric, jewellery shop, LPG line, textile shop, transmission tower etc.
AutomotiveCables, conrods, clutch assembly, clutch plates, cylinder heads, fuel level indicators, helical springs, horns, leaf springs, piston caps, seats, tag axles etc.
Aviation & spaceAircraft gears, combustion chambers, finger seals, hollow cathode tubes, parachutes, satellite launch pad anchor bolts, turbines etc.
Civil constructionAggregates, bricks, building hardware, cement, channels, concrete, doors, floor tiles, GI sheets, granite cutting segments, hollow & solid blocks, painted panels, pipes, soil investigation, soil load bearing capacity, windows etc.
Consumer productsBottles, cameras, cooking ranges, electrical appliances, fluid dispensers, furniture, jewellery, refrigerators, sanitary items, solar water heaters, washing machines, watches etc.
Crime investigationBurglary, counterfeiting, forced entry etc.
Earth movingBuckets, hydraulic boom cylinders, o-rings, seals, seats, valves etc.
Electronics & controlsCables, connectors, contacts, control panels, fluxes, harness, printed circuit boards, printers, sensors & controls, solders, switches, switchboards, thinners, transducers etc.
EnergyBoiler furnace plates, boiler tubes, condenser heads, energy meters, EVA, generators, heat exchangers, hydro turbine, insulation tapes, insulators, solar panels, transformer oil, transformers, windmill blades etc.
Food processingAerosol cans, cams, cartons, containers, conveyer chains, fluid containers, grinding media, heat exchangers, paper boxes, tacos, tissues etc.
Health careCenter sections, detergents, lullaby warmer units, patient tables, soaps, ultra sound scanners, wrist bands etc.
LocomotiveGears, shafts, wheels, window panes etc.
ManufacturingCastings, forgings, forging dies, metal working & forming tools, welds, wrought products etc.
Packaging materialsAdhesives, adhesive tapes, bubble wraps, cans, cardboards, corrugated boards, fiberboards, fluid containers, foams, paper boards, plastic sheets & films, thermocole etc.
Apart from sector specific products, we test & assess ceramics, chemicals, coal, coatings, coke, composites, foams, foils, forgings, fuels, gears, glass, grease, leathers, lubricants, metals & alloys, minerals, oils, ores, plastics, plating solutions, platings, powder compacts, refractories, rubbers, steels, solvents, water etc.
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